Home Meda max în Tashkent - tratamentul scoliozelor

Meda max în Tashkent - tratamentul scoliozelor

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Max Penson (1893–1959) was a noted Russian photojournalist and photographer of the Soviet Union noted for his photographs of Uzbekistan. His photographs documented the economic transformation of Uzbekistan He was born into a poor bookbinder's Jewish family in 1893 in the small town of Velizh in Vitebsk .Apr 18, 2011 Max Penson was born in 1893 in the small town of Velizh near Vitebsk, He moved to Tashkent in 1923 and was employed by Central Asia's .Max Penson was born on March 17, 1893, in Velizh, a town in what is today In 1934 Penson participated in the exhibition 10 Years of Soviet Uzbekistan, .Jun 17, 2011 Born in Belarus in 1893, Max Penson moved to Tashkent in the 1920s. His remarkable images cover the modernization effort: formation.

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